Because I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and i thought it might be interesting Although this whole `talking to a camera' thing is Kind of..Awkward and I don't know how it's going to help but,...Erm.. We shall see! OK, so... I recently moved back to London after living in Tokyo for two years It's kinda strange because everything seems familiar and yet slightly different, like... The video shop down the st...
Down the road is now gone and... My favourite deli has changed owners but the greasy cafe around the corner is now a Starbucks which is great! Yeah, I missed London while I was away so it's.. It's really nice to be back, but umm... Yeah, I don't know what I missed about it..
..Exactly.. But, I did. It's kind of strange and now I'm missing Tokyo in the same way, so umm.. Yeahhh Anyway, umm..
Now that I'm here I guess I have to `kickstart' my life again and.. Erm.. Probably get a job yeah.. Maybe I'll cut my hair? Anyway...
I'm gonna stop here because I can... Keep on rambling like, forever. Thank you camera for listening to me.. And..Umm..
Thank you YouTube.. I guess..

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