Nuke Wars Hello Dudes! I'm Toyguy! Today we are gonna have a nuke battle. Yes, two rounds, two huge battleships, and
lots of nukes! Okay let me show you how to make the nuke
cannons. No go! I'm here with Lord Vertice. Yes.
First we need to set up the distance. Oh, that's more like it. Mr Toyguy, drink some Lord Vertice Lemonade. We use creepers to see if they land on target.
Perfect. Second I need to make a repeater loop to spam
the nuke command. Mr Toyguy, wait, did I mention that I'm very
rich? I'm very wealthy. Hardened clay is not used anywhere else in
the ship, that's why I use it to block the redstone wire.
I can delete all the hardened clay with world
edit to complete the circuit, firing all the cannons at the same time. I also use world edit to copy and paste the
cannon. Ready! Are you ready? I do not fear death. Okay, test run! Don't nuke me! No go! 1St Round Oh my...
Incoming! Both ships are getting rekt! Woah dude... Oh my. No go! One battery is still standing! Vertice, your ship won! The Yamato Wins! Cold as the nuclear winter. Are you ready? No.
Wait for my signal. What signal? Dude that's not fair! 2Nd Round. You're such a troll... Nukefest! Vertice, look at that! The nuke train is back! No go...
Aaaaah! Strobo nuke, dude! Dude! No go! Dude, my ship wins! No go! The Bismarck Wins! Dude my ship won! Amazing! It's a conspiracy! Four batteries survived the attack! And they're still shooting! This is not safe. Big thanks to the map builders. The credits and download link are below in
the video description. If you guys have any other map in mind to
nuke, please tell us in the comments, and remember to leave a like! We love making videos! Sub dude! Sub sub sub.
Drink some Lord Vertice Lemonade. Let me jump in front of these nukes... Aaaah! Rival Rebels Toyguy out..

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