Yamato Vs Bismarck Battleship NUKE WAR in Minecraft

The Yamato Class VS The Bismarck Class Battleship
Nuke Wars Hello Dudes! I'm Toyguy! Today we are gonna have a nuke battle. Yes, two rounds, two huge battleships, and
lots of nukes! Okay let me show you how to make the nuke
cannons. No go! I'm here with Lord Vertice. Yes.

First we need to set up the distance. Oh, that's more like it. Mr Toyguy, drink some Lord Vertice Lemonade. We use creepers to see if they land on target.

Perfect. Second I need to make a repeater loop to spam
the nuke command. Mr Toyguy, wait, did I mention that I'm very
rich? I'm very wealthy. Hardened clay is not used anywhere else in
the ship, that's why I use it to block the redstone wire.

I can delete all the hardened clay with world
edit to complete the circuit, firing all the cannons at the same time. I also use world edit to copy and paste the
cannon. Ready! Are you ready? I do not fear death. Okay, test run! Don't nuke me! No go! 1St Round Oh my...

Incoming! Both ships are getting rekt! Woah dude... Oh my. No go! One battery is still standing! Vertice, your ship won! The Yamato Wins! Cold as the nuclear winter. Are you ready? No.

Wait for my signal. What signal? Dude that's not fair! 2Nd Round. You're such a troll... Nukefest! Vertice, look at that! The nuke train is back! No go...

Aaaaah! Strobo nuke, dude! Dude! No go! Dude, my ship wins! No go! The Bismarck Wins! Dude my ship won! Amazing! It's a conspiracy! Four batteries survived the attack! And they're still shooting! This is not safe. Big thanks to the map builders. The credits and download link are below in
the video description. If you guys have any other map in mind to
nuke, please tell us in the comments, and remember to leave a like! We love making videos! Sub dude! Sub sub sub.

Drink some Lord Vertice Lemonade. Let me jump in front of these nukes... Aaaah! Rival Rebels Toyguy out..

Yamato Vs Bismarck Battleship NUKE WAR in Minecraft

Yamato Takeru OVA ~After War~ Episode 2 (English Subbed)

Susanoo! Tell me where Oto is! That light! Yamato Takeru ~After War~ Yamato Takeru ~After War~
Does the whisper of a descended angel Does the whisper of a descended angel cure the land of sorrow The sun gave the golden courage The moon gave the deep love Like how the birds are led that are crossing over the endless sea walk as the spirit whispers! Nobody knows about the flower blooming in a desert but it will nobly leave itself to the wind until its life is over I wonder where that light points to. There's a planet at the other side of the light. And that's Kamuya. Mr.

Mahoroba! You've sure grown a lot, Roka! Mr. Mahoroba! Shuranoo took Oto with it! I already know that. What are you doing, old man?! You have grown too! By Kamuya, do you mean the fourth planet in Oonamu sector? Right. The tower of light is guiding Takeru.

Then Oto must be there too! This is what I would call heaven! Oto... Are you scared? Are you scared of your mother? You're not my mother! You're the only child I gave birth to. You're the child of Tsukuyomi and me. Now...

Let's go back to the planet of netherworld. You'll give birth to new dark warriors there. Those dark warriors will rule the universe! And you are the one with the power to bear such children! No! Take your hands off from Oto! Oto! Run away! Shut your mouth! Dear Oto... If you don't want to kill this woman, you shall follow me! Mom! Run away, Oto! How foolish of you! Escaping from this place, Kamuya, is impossible! Come to me, Oto...

There is nothing to be afraid of. Mother! Oto! Takeru! Tsukuyomi... Were you alive after all?! Nobody is capable of killing me. I do not have a body nor a soul! I am the darkness! Can you catch the darkness, Yamato Takeru? Oto! Takeru! Oto! Oto! Oto! I have taken Oto.

Oto! Oto... The Eight-Forked Serpent! That must be... Shishinoo! How can those Battle Gods be...! They are the departed souls of Battle Gods you killed! What?! Go! My children! Let's do this, Susanoo! How does it feel? How does the revenge of my children taste like? Dammit! Fire! Susanoo! What a powerful explosion... Right.

Where's that woman? Cradle of Dragon! Takeru! Roka! Tsukuyomi is still alive! Do not let your guard down! Old man! He's alive...? This person is Oto's mother! Oto... This time I will put an end to his life! Stop it! Takeru! You cannot take it down with the sword of hatred! Kazenoo... Kiriomi! Stop that, Takeru! Do not torture my previous comrades any more! Torture?! Only you can save these guys! But how?! A thing that can erase the darkness. That is light.

Farewell. Oto! Takeru! You will stop thinking and forget about Takeru very soon. You have already become my body. Give Oto back! Cutting me in half is cutting Oto in half! I will return to the planet of netherworld.

Interfere and Oto is dead! Takeru! I will do it! No way, Kiriomi! I'm not letting Tsukuyomi run away there! Do not interfere! Curse you! Takeru! Oto! Dammit! Kiriomi! I do not have a body nor a soul! I am the darkness! A thing that can erase the darkness. That is light. Light... Takeru...

Unhand me! Do you want Oto to die? You... No way! There is a light that can erase you forever! Unhand me! Oto will die too! Oto... Mr. Mahoroba...

Where is Susanoo heading to? He's going to ram into the Sun Oonamu with Tsukuyomi. -Takeru!
-Oto! Oto! Oto... Takeru... Brother! Mikazuchi! Oto...

Yamato Takeru. You have fought enough. Your fight ends now. The rest is up to Susanoo and me.

Mikazuchi... I am saved at last. Thanks to Oto and you. Brother...

Take good care of my sister, Takeru. Mikazuchi, Susanoo is all yours. Brother...! Susanoo... Thank you.

Susanoo. Susanoo. Susanoo. Susanoo! At the nostalgic dusk painful scent spreads Over the window warm light waves Don't hesitate and go back Don't cry all alone To the home far away on the forgotten road.

Yamato Takeru OVA ~After War~ Episode 2 (English Subbed)

Yamato Takeru OVA ~After War~ Episode 1 (English Subbed)

Planet Izumo 3 years later Yamato Takeru ~After War~ Yamato Takeru ~After War~
Does the whisper of a descended angel Does the whisper of a descended angel cure the land of sorrow The sun gave the golden courage The moon gave the deep love Like how the birds are led that are crossing over the endless sea walk as the spirit whispers! Nobody knows about the flower blooming in a desert but it will nobly leave itself to the wind until its life is over When the flag there goes down, pull the control stick. It will fly right there according to the calculations. If it doesn't, I'll see you in the next life! Throughput of engines and buoyancy of wings are... Never mind! I believe in your calculations.

Let's do this! If it fails to fly even after the flag, jump off! Takeru! It won't work! Get off! Takeru! It worked! Takeru! That airplane... It must be...! Yes, it's Takeru. It actually flew using the methane gas engine. Takeru...

Oto, look! Bet you can't find one this big! It is big! Looks well ripened and tasty. This is wonderful. I never thought fruits come from the seeds! True. I would like it if Kiriomi lived in Yakumo village with us.

A peaceful life does not suit me! That's what he said, trying to be cool, and he left for a journey! I wonder where he would be right now. It's Takeru! Look! Takeru is in the sky! That's the first flight of Roka's airplane. I wonder what that is. What's that? What would that be? I hope it's a meteor.

Or else... Oto! That must be... The floating fortress of darkness! Oto, that's the fortress! At least it didn't fall on the village. But why did it fall all of a sudden? Some debris in Izumo's orbit could have fallen for some reason, but if something this big actually fell freely, everything within a 100 km radius of here probably would have been obliterated by its impact.

Maybe someone did it intentionally... It must be Tsukuyomi! No way, that's impossible! Didn't Takeru take down Tsukuyomi before? Should we go find out? We should. Let's go after the meteor cools down. It's still possible that something else fell down.

Oto... Come to me... Brother...! Oto... Look where you're walking! That was unsafe! Are you all right, Oto? Yes.

Were you here all day? Hayamika is looking for you. Got it. Don't worry. Didn't my father say that it probably fell down by itself? If Oto feels anxious, Hayamika will be worried.

Is Tsukuyomi truly dead? Also, my brother... I felt great today! Flying up the sky is awesome! And so is Roka. But of course, my ability to make it fly was the most important factor! What if the fortress isn't actually... Stop that! Tsukuyomi is dead! So is Mikazuchi.

I saw my brother. What's that? You saw Mikazuchi? At Itari lake? I guess you're assuming that I saw an illusion. Even if Tsukuyomi did drop that meteor, I won't be scared. If my brother lives inside, I am sure I'll be able to meet him again! Let's go! Let's go find out at Itari lake! Takeru...

Shuranoo! Amon... Oto...! It's me! Mikazuchi! Brother?! Mikazuchi?! Takeru! Takeru? I'll take out Susanoo! Takeru! Are you going to ride Susanoo? Right. Take me with you! No way! My brother is riding Shuranoo! Whoever is riding that, only I can take that thing down! Takeru... Oto! Oto! Hayamika! It's dangerous to be in a place like this! Oto's not here! Susanoo! Mikazuchi! Are you riding that? Are you Mikazuchi after all? If you are, show yourself, Mikazuchi! Mikazuchi! Our battles have ended! Mikazuchi! Susanoo! Brother? Brother! Stop that! Oto! Takeru! Why did you do that?! Oto! Is that Susanoo? Susanoo! Brother! Tsukuyomi! Long time no see, Oto Tachibana.

You were alive after all. I do not die. Cursed under the Eight-Forked Serpent, Mikazuchi and I wander over the world of darkness, being unable to keep or cease existing at all. Brother...

Do you still consider Mikazuchi to be your brother? No matter what you say, Mikazuchi is my brother! You better look at the picture of your mother that you always carry! That child is you, Oto. And the one embracing you is your mother. I will let you know my true name. My name is Asuka.

Asuka Tachibana. Your mother. Join me, Oto. Let's revive the Eight-Forked Serpent once and for all, with our power combined! The Eight-Forked Serpent! Brother! At the nostalgic dusk painful scent spreads Over the window warm light waves Don't hesitate and go back Don't cry all alone To the home far away on the forgotten road.

Yamato Takeru OVA ~After War~ Episode 1 (English Subbed)

What I Really Look Like

Following on from my last video.. There's another question people keep asking which is along the lines of.. "What do you REALLY look like?" Ok.. If it'll stop people asking.

There.. No makeup... This is how I REALLY look. The things I do for you guys.

Happy Now!??.

What I Really Look Like

Trying this out...

Hi!..Ermm... I just had this idea of starting a video diary.. To clear my head and.. Untangle my brain and all that.

Because I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and i thought it might be interesting Although this whole `talking to a camera' thing is Kind of..Awkward and I don't know how it's going to help but,...Erm.. We shall see! OK, so... I recently moved back to London after living in Tokyo for two years It's kinda strange because everything seems familiar and yet slightly different, like... The video shop down the st...

Down the road is now gone and... My favourite deli has changed owners but the greasy cafe around the corner is now a Starbucks which is great! Yeah, I missed London while I was away so it's.. It's really nice to be back, but umm... Yeah, I don't know what I missed about it..

..Exactly.. But, I did. It's kind of strange and now I'm missing Tokyo in the same way, so umm.. Yeahhh Anyway, umm..

Now that I'm here I guess I have to `kickstart' my life again and.. Erm.. Probably get a job yeah.. Maybe I'll cut my hair? Anyway...

I'm gonna stop here because I can... Keep on rambling like, forever. Thank you camera for listening to me.. And..Umm..

Thank you YouTube.. I guess..

Trying this out...

The Yamato - Largest battleship in History(Behemoth)

Hey Simple History fans! World of Warships has come to us with a sponsorship opportunity to try out their awesome game. If you want to be the first to use our code: You can download the game for free from the link in the description below and use the code: "PLAYWARSHIPS2018" for a bunch of freebies that we'll tell you about later in the video. Yamato, Super Battleship, Largest Battleship in History - World War II. Design: The Yamato class of battleships were the pride of the Imperial Japanese Navy during the Second World War.

This class were the heaviest battleships ever built. The Yamato-class battleships were not only the biggest of their kind; but were also the most powerful with the largest amount of artillery mounted on a ship. The intention behind the design was to counter the numerical supremacy of the American Pacific Fleet. Since they didn't have the economic or industrial capacities to build a large quantity of ships, the Japanese decided to build larger battleships that could respond to numerous enemy ships at once.

The Imperial Japanese Navy required a super-heavy battleship, that would be armed with 18.1 Inch guns and armor that could withstand the impact of 18-inch shells. Furthermore, the ship had to have a top speed of 27 knots and a cruising range of 8,000 miles at a speed of 18 knots. After these requirements were received, the designers commenced development in 1935. After the initial plans were made, it was decided that the ship needed a displacement of 69,000 tons.

The dimensions of the battleship were more than impressive. The overall length of the ship was 839 feet, with a beam width of 127.7 Feet. The protection of the Yamato was equally impressive. The total weight of the armor was 22,534 tons, which was one-third of the entire displacement.

The thickness of the armor varied from eight inches to 16 inches depending on the section. The deck armor was between 7.9 And 9.1 Inches, while the gun turrets were protected with armor ranging from 9.5 To 26 inches. This armor was supposed to protect the Yamato from all Allied naval weapons. The Yamato-class of battleships were powered by four steam engines with 12 boilers and a total power of 150,000 shaft horsepower.

Even at maximum speed, the Yamato had great maneuverability. Ships in the Yamato class: The Imperial Japanese Navy ordered two battleships of the Yamato class in 1936. The first one "Yamato" was built in the Quraysh shipyards and the second "Musashi" in the Mitsubishi shipyard in Nagasaki. Both shipyards had to be modified to handle the building of these enormous ships.

The production of the ships were kept a secret; so large fences and canvas were placed around the docks to secure it from spies. As well as this, if a worker mentioned the project; they may have faced death. The navy ordered two more battleships in 1939. The building of the first one named "Shinano" commenced production but after the Battle of Midway, it was decided that it would be converted into an aircraft carrier.

The last one, unofficially named "Number 111" was never finished. Armament: The armament of the Yamato battleships was in accordance with the scale of the ship and its purpose. The primary armament consisted of three triple turrets with Type 94 46 centimeter guns. The 69.4 Foot long guns could fire on 3,219 pound projectile at a distance of 26.1 Miles, with a rate of fire of 1.5 Projectiles per minute.

These were the largest and most powerful guns ever put on a ship. The entire weight of one turret was 2,774 tonnes which equaled the weight of a fleet destroyer. The secondary armament consisted of four triple turrets with 155 millimeter guns. The anti-aircraft armament consisted of six twin mounted Type 89 127 millimeter guns mounted on the side of the ship above the 155 millimeter guns.

Additionally, the Yamato had eight triple mounted Type 96 25 millimeter guns, and four Type 90 13 millimeter guns on the bridge tower. The Yamato even had a hangar below deck for storing three to four aircraft that were launched with two catapults. As the war progressed, the Yamato armament was modified with some guns removed and some added. The first modification came in July 1943, when radars were fitted to upgrade the ship's anti-aircraft defense.

At the same time, an additional four triple 25 millimeter guns were added to the weather deck. The second modification came in February 1944, when two 155 millimeter side guns were removed as they were of no use for anti-aircraft defense. These were replaced with an additional six twin mounted Type 89 127 millimeter guns. The anti-aircraft defense was reinforced with 55 25 millimeter guns some of which were triple mounted and some single mounted.

The final modification in November 1944 after the Battle of Leyte Gulf, saw almost all single mounted 25 millimeter guns replaced with triple mounted guns and 27 new 25 millimeter guns. After this, the Yamato had 152 25 millimeter guns in its armament. Fate: Even though Japan invested much of their capacities in building the Yamato-class battleships, their use during the war was underwhelming. The Japanese built the battleships to confront other ships on the sea failing to foresee the development of aircraft as the most powerful weapon in the war.

It can be said that Yamato was already obsolete by the time it was built Battle of Midway Both battleships of the class saw little action during the war. The Yamato was commissioned on December 15th 1941, and it was assumed as the flagship of the Japanese Combined Fleet. During the Battle of Midway, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto commanded its fleet from the Yamato's bridge. As the battle ended up disastrously for the Imperial Japanese Navy, the Yamato was withdrawn to Japan; where it served as a headquarter ship - missing the Battle of Guadalcanal.

Due to the frequent and long periods of inactivity, it was nicknamed "Hotel Yamato". The Musashi took over the duty of flagship of the Combined Fleet on January 22nd 1943, but it also saw little action. Both ships were used at the time as transport ships as they could carry a large amount of troops. During these operations, both ships were being hit by U.S.

Submarines, forcing them to spend long periods of time in the Truk shipyards for repairs. The Battle of Leyte Gulf The first big action for both ships came during the Battle of Leyte Gulf - the largest naval battle of the war. On October 24th 1944, U.S. Forces launched a massive air attack on the Japanese fleet.

They concentrated their fire on Musashi, which couldn't withstand the amount of bombs and torpedoes launched at it. By the end of day, it was sunk. On the following day, the Yamato used its 46 centimeter guns for the first and only time during the war. Hitting an American carrier at a distance of 20 miles.

During the battle, the Yamato suffered several bomb hits but was not put in great danger. However, because of the danger of torpedo strikes; it was forced to leave the battle. Suicide Mission: Operation Ten-Go The final engagement of the Yamato was connected to the Allied invasion of Okinawa. Which prompted the Japanese Navy to commence Operation Ten-Go Sending the entire fleet to confront the U.S.

Navy that was supporting the invasion. On April 6th 1945, Yamato with full magazines, sortied with one light cruiser and eight destroyers on a suicide mission. American code breakers found out about the Japanese plans. So the U.S.

Navy was prepared for the action that would follow. On April 7, convoy of ten ships led by the Yamato was attacked by 400 American airplanes. The Yamato withstood the bombs hitting its deck, but 11 torpedoes that hit the portside were more than it could take. After it rolled over to port, its aft magazines exploded taking the Yamato to the bottom of the sea.

3,063 Sailors were killed and only 269 were saved. The sinking of the battleship Yamato marked the end of the Japanese Imperial Navy. A big thank you to World of Warships for sponsoring this video on the Yamato battleship. As mentioned, they have some great free stuff for new players who register with the code "PLAYWARSHIPS2018" after downloading the game from the link in the description.

We loved visual historical accuracy at Simple History. So we're excited to learn that the team at World of Warships work on every ship model for roughly 6 months from scratch from start to finish. In the game, you command a massive naval fleet of some of the most iconic warships that are authentic to the real thing with over 7 million other players. The game is a perfect mixture of action and strategy.

And to get you started, we've got a bunch of freebies for Simple History viewers using the code "PLAYWARSHIPS2018". You'll get 250 doubloons which are in-game gold, 1 million credits which are use as currency, 3 days of premium so that you can earn more XP and credits in every battle, a premium Campbelltown warship, which has great torpedo range and damage and a port slot so you can increase your fleet capabilities. Click the link in the description below to collect your freebies and try out the game, which is free to download..

The Yamato - Largest battleship in History(Behemoth)

Takeo kiss Yamato - Best Kiss scene [Vietsub]

Hi, Takeo-kun, what's wrong? Yeah, I'm home. Huh, look outside? What's wrong, Takeo-kun? Yamato... Did you... ...Kiss me? Huh? Let me do it over! Eh? This time...

Let me... I love you. I will be good to you! I will! Yeah! I will be good to you, too! Uh, thank you! I will be good to you. Thank you, Takeo-kun.

I will be good to you, too. Yeah, me too. My sixteenth birthday... I will remember this day for the rest of my life..

Takeo kiss Yamato - Best Kiss scene [Vietsub]

Space Battleship Yamato trkce alt yaz izle

Locked on Gamilas ship.
How long? 15 Seconds till we're clear. All Units,
Clear cannon trajectory. Roger. 2199, Off mars.

Let them come in close. Five seconds. 4, 3, 2, 1... Fire shock cannons! Huh?! They're stronger than our data says! That's brand-new data! How did they shift? We're hit aft! Losing thrust! Turrets 1 and 2 hit! Fuyuzuki destroyed! Incoming! Quick! Get that fire out! We have no ship
that can beat them.

Message from yukikaze. We're getting wiped out, captain. We'll cover you. Get out of here.

Kodai! Don't be a fool! I've never wished more
than to be of use to you. You've still got things to do! Captain Okita... ...We're proud to have fought
alongside you. Sanada...Go get 'em! Don't, Kodai! Kodai...

The infinite reaches of space... ...A realm of silent light. Stars die, and stars are born. Yes.

The universe is alive. But at this moment... ...The end is near for one planet. <B>== Space Battleship Yamato ==</b> Five years ago...

...An unknown enemy appeared
in the region of mars... ...And began raining meteorite bombs
down upon the earth. The year is 2199. The beautiful blue earth
is polluted by radiation...

...And humanity stands
on the verge of extinction. People have fled underground,
struggling desperately to survive... ...But with no hope left... ...Now they simply sit
and wait for the end.

You're one of them damn fools,
aren't you. Looking for metal scraps
to give to the defense force. What god will that do? We're beat, and you know it. No.

That guy... ...Trades it for stuff
from his brother in the forces. Drugs, alcohol... The forces? Is that right? Yeah.

You trade rare metals, right? So that's what you're up to, huh? Hook me up, with that brother of yours, OK? What's that for?! Lithium, 50 centimeters down. Radiation density 14 sieverts. Twice fatal dosage. You will die.

I know that, analyzer. Yes. Flying object! Incoming! This is the capsule
that was recovered. What's that? It's like...

...Schematics. Who found it? A civilian salvage hunter. His suit was ripped open
and he took a high dose of radiation. They're washing him down now
but he probably won't survive.

Okita! Hold it! Keep still! Hold onto him! He seems fine now, though. Stop! You'll contaminate
the entire ship! Are you captain okita? Why? You used yukikaze as a shield. Then you ran away. Right? Answer me! Kodai, stop it! Kodai? Mamoru Kodai was my brother.

You're Susumu Kodai? You used him as a shield... ...Sacrificed your whole escort,
and you're still alive? Doesn't that bother you? Why should it? Don't make me laugh. That's enough! That hurt, damn it... Yuki Mori? What would a civilian know,

Kodai? You weren't there! Come quietly! Let go off me! Hands off! Kodai! Sometimes one has to make it back. Huh? Saito! Go easy on him!
He's an injured man. I'm sorry, Captain Okita.
I didn't mean that to happen. I went and told him
how Captain Kodai died.

Dr. Sado...I understand. I'm sorry. Anyway...

...How is he still alive
after a fatal dose of radiation? Yes. He should be dead. You had a hard time. We were wiped out.

We have no way
of resisting Gamilas. And we don't know
what they want or who they are. They're tough. As we fight, they study us
and just get stronger.

And we can't keep up with them... And so... ...The time comes when
we must evacuate earth... ...With a chosen few.

On that subject, sir... ... I ask you for this ship. What? Not so a selected elite
can live a few days longer...

...But to go on a journey of hope. In that way at least
humanity will not be in despair... ...But rather in hope... ...At their moment of death.

What kind of a story
are you going to feed them, Okita? People of Japan,
I have an important announcement... ...Concerning the future of humanity. I ask you to respond calmly. Analysis of a communications capsule
discovered off cape Bonomisaki...

...Has revealed the following
very significant message. This, we believe,
is our solar system... ...And our galaxy, the milky way. Here, in the large magellanic cloud...

... Is the origin of the message... ...The planet Iskandar. They have expressed a desire
to provide us with a device...

...That eliminates radiation. Thus... ...We have decided to send
our last space battleship to Iskandar. Can it go that far? It might be a trap! How long will it take? There are military secrets involved,
so I can only say...

...We have received technology
by which the journey... ...Can be made very quickly. It's a gamble, right? Are you sure they'll get back? Will the public agree? There's no time to ask! Earth... ...Is past the point...

...Where we can hem and haw
over "gambles" or "being sure". We calculate that within one year
humanity will be extinct. There are some who say
it is only a matter of months. This offer from Iskandar...

...For us... ... Is our last hope. Fellow citizens...

... If we can obtain this device,
we can survive. Then we can... ...

Leave the underground
and live again on the surface. We cannot simply stand by
as Gamilas destroys Earth... ...With its meteorite bombs. We have been given this last chance! We will, with our own hands,
restore the green Earth.

Shall we not, then... ...Obtain this radiation device
and restore the beautiful earth... ...As it was five years ago? To this end the defense force
is calling for volunteers... ...With military or astronaut

...With experience in
scientific research... Mechanic. Blue suit. Kodai, Susumu.

You're alive! Sorry? I don't believe it! How?! Open wide. Doctor, do you mind?
There are people waiting. Oh, right. You have experience leading a...

...Fighter squadron? A civilian? How? I've re-enlisted. And I don't need that.
I've got my own. A cat... Hold it! You're coming? Why not? It's Okita's ship.

I know. Mr. Kodai! What? What are you up to? Nothing. Battle stations! I'll go to the 1st bridge.
Scramble the black tigers.

Says who?! As of now, I'm squadron leader.
I'm counting on you, "Ace". There is a Gamilas missile... ... Heading straight for you.

They would seem to know
about your vessel. Prepare to launch!
Shima, initiate wave engine! Shima? Roger. That's it. Good boy! This is...

That's right. The Yamato Launch Yamato Launching Yamato 1500 kilometers! We won't make it. Sanada. We will now test the wave gun.

Target is the incoming missile. It's not checked yet. So? Well, I think we can fire it. It's our only chance.
Make it work.

Yes, Sir. Kodai, You've read the manual? Sort of. But it's an alien-supplied weapon.
I've never used one before. Well, it's do or die.

1200 Kilometers! Raise wave-motion engine pressure.
Close emergency valves. Raising wave-motion engine pressure.
Closing emergency valves. Open wave-gun outlet. Opening outlet.

Chamber pressure rising! All energy to wave-motion gun.
Initiate forced induction. Initiating. Prepare to fire. Shima, let Kodai do it.

It's all yours. Release wave-motion gun safety. Releasing. Safety locks at zero.

Pressure approaching firing point.
Releasing final safety. Yamato on missile trajectory. Lock on that. Raising scope.

Contrast gauge at brightness 20.
Target: interplanetary missile. Range 180! Energy at 100 per cent. Wait. Energy at 120 per cent! Chamber limit! 10 Seconds to firing.
Brace for shock and flash.

Range 70! Collision course! Five... Four... Three... Two...

One... Firing! All systems down! Restart! Back-up camera functioning. Where's Yamato? Unable to confirm. Did it vaporize? The Yamato.

Yamato made it! We used the wave-motion gun.
We've given ourselves away. You had no choice.
I just hope the Yamato is all right. Can you proceed? Yes. I want to leave the solar system
before they can strike back.

All right. Godspeed, Yamato Aye-aye, Sir. Warp test will take place
in 24 hours. Roger! Right into the thick of it, huh? It's your turn next.

The warp. But I'm surprised you volunteered. She's our last ship.
And it's for Jiro's sake, too. Oh, Yeah...How old is he now? He's five.

Yeah? It's been five years... Mr. Kodai! Kato? Yamamoto?
You guys are here? We got posted to the ship today. It'll be great
to fly under you again! Right? Furuya...

Mr. Kodai. Still moping in the back, huh? Not me, Sir. See? Am I right? He's right.

Team Kodai requests permission
to join the Yamato squadron! You still say that? Damn right! That looks so stupid! Huh?! We brought this aboard
to celebrate our reunion! You too, Kato. Team Kodai, be seated! Keep it down, will you? You'll spoil my drink. Mori! Why get on Mr. Kodai's case? If we'll spoil your drink,
Why drink alone here? This is the mess.
We're not causing any trouble.

No? Team Kodai? Those old stories don't depress you? What?! Mori, you were part of team Kodai. You were just a babe
in huge diapers back then. I'll be our ace soon. Watch out.

Mr. Kodai,
why did you come back now? Where were you then? Then? When Captain Kodai got killed.
When we lost our fleet! While we fought for our lives... ...You were back on earth
salvaging scrap. You got scared and ran,
didn't you.

I can't accept... ...The great Susumu Kodai... ...Fearing for his life... ...And running.

Mori! Idiot! Attention all hands.
When Yamato reaches mars orbit... ...We will conduct humanity's first
warp test. If we fail... ...We, and all humanity,
face destruction.

I ask you to focus on your duties.
That is all. Stand by to warp. Hey... ...What's "warp"? I think we jump over
a big piece of space.

Mr. Akagi... Board me. Right! Ready BT1! I guess the cockpit's
as safe a place as any.

What's she so scared of? Warp! Warping! Did we make it? Hey... Hey, guys... No hull damage. All clear ahead.

No gravity field! It worked. Yes! Mr. Kodai! We warped! Mr. Shima! This is some ship! Returning to course.

Huh? Aihara! 1 O'clock. Gamilas! Why did you bring us here?! I didn't! Did they track our warp energy? All hands to battle stations! Ready wave gun! Roger. We can't fire it right after warp. It uses the same energy.

Wait. We'll warp again. How long will that take? 20 Minutes to recharge. In 20 minutes
can you find where we'll come out? Ill find it.

Kodai... ...Cripple their warp engines
so they can't follow. Roger. Black Tigers...

...Take out their warp engines. Let's go! Mori, launching. She beat us to the punch! We should've been ready. Are you trying to show off? Don't get smart.

This is how
I survived the fight off mars. We warp in 20 minutes.
Be back by then. Roger. Yes! Wow...

Don't forget to look out behind. Commencing targeting
the Gamilas mother ship. Roger. Targeting complete.

Fire cannons. Firing. Yay! Yes! Wow! I've never seen one go
like that before... Target destroyed! Right! Way to go, Kodai! Well done.

Return to base.
We're about to warp. Shima, how long? Five minutes to full charge. Aihara, have you found somewhere
for us to go? Just about. Kato here.

No sign of Mori.
We can't raise her. What?! BT1, do you read? BT1! Do you read? Yuki Mori! I read you. What's wrong? Oxygen supply very low.
Remedy immediately. The debris took out my engine.

You can't move? Just leave me here. Don't be stupid! Hang on. There's no time! Return to your post. And leave her
like you did my brother? I'll be back in time.

Nanbu, take over. Idiot! Continue with preparations
for warp. Sir! Aihara, call out the enemy positions
as they move. Yes, Sir.

Mr. Kodai? Two minutes to warp capability. Emergence point confirmed. Emergence point clear
of obstructions.

It's all right. Suffocation doesn't hurt. It's all right. I'm not afraid.

I'm not afraid. Yuki Mori,
will your ejection gear work? Do you read me? Go back! I'm messing you all up. Answer me!
Will your ejection gear work? Yes. Right.

I'll say when. Five bogeys closing at 9:20! Fire! Port side, aft! Sub-nozzle's out! They rammed us? Their fighters have nowhere
to go back to. Gamilas! Where? Large squadron approaching! Damn it! I'm behind you, Yuki. Roger.

Go! Recharging complete. 20 Gamilas vessels
nearing impact. There's Mr. Kodai.

Shima... ...Think of them as missiles. Let them come in close,
then roll sideways to evade. Roger! Brace for lateral gs.

We will evade... ...Then take Kodai aboard
while the Gamilas are turning. Then we will warp. Hey! What's going on?! Readying for evasive action.
All personnel prepare for g-force.

Five seconds to impact point! Four... Three... Evading! Open entry port! He's in! Warp! Her heart's stopped! Where's Dr. Sado? Coming.

Yuki... Yuki! I'll defibrillate. Keep going. Yuki! Don't die on me! Damn it! Doctor! Stretcher! Lift her.

1, 2, 3... Let's go. Your actions endangered this ship.
That is a serious offence. That is how I do things.

I will not stand back and watch
my subordinates die. Throw him in the brig! I'll come quietly! Move! You still like it in the brig, Huh? Chief Tokugawa... It's been a while. You're in the brig already?
You never change.

Just for doing what I think is right.
Why does this happen? You're two of a kind. You're just like your older brother
when he was young. I'm like who? Fiery, a loose cannon,
but cool under pressure. You know, Kodai,
You just might be cut out...

...To be a ship's captain yourself. Whoever you're saying I'm like now,
My way and a certain someone's... ...Are completely opposite. Oh yeah? I was about to say you're a lot like
Captain Okita when he was young.

Anyway, I guess we'll find out.
If we survive, that is. Look who's here! Hello, Doctor. Doctor, how's Mori? Fine. Just a few scratches.

Thank you. Let's have a drink. Great! You should be grateful to the captain.
He took a big chance. He was in a very tight spot
and he hung in to the last.

He did? You realize
in that battle off mars... ...You're not the only one
who lost someone. Is this a sermon? Did you know that the Fuyuzuki
didn't come back, either? Captain Okita's son
was its navigator. This is the Captain.

We are about to leave
the solar system. We are heading out into a realm
where no human being has ever been. Communication with earth
will be impossible. Thus today
all hands will have access...

...To communications. This could be your last message
to earth. I ask you all to take proper leave
of your families. I'm like Okita? Me? Yeah, Right! You have one minute.

The channel
will then shut down. Think what you want to say
before you go in. Enter ID number. What I want to say? There's dad! How are you, Jiro? How are you? Oh, I'm fine.

Make sure you don't catch cold. I'll be fine. I'll be fine! I'm too stupid to catch a cold. Wrap a towel around your stomach
when you sleep.

You always get the runs. I'll be back soon. I miss you. Don't worry.

I'll be back,
with that radiation device. Promise? I promise! Jiro... Channel closed. Do you have your hachiman amulet?
It'll keep the bullets away.

Yep. I have it. And don't forget... Channel closed.

You worry too much. 287, 288... ...289, 290... What? You're doing sit-ups here? So? You're last on the list
to send a message.

A message? Input your ID number first.
You have one minute. Id number? That one there. This one? Yes. Mr.

Kodai! How are you? Hey! I'm kidding, Ando.
You're here, too? Yes. Assigned to 3rd bridge! Yeah? Be seeing you. My parents are fine.
I swore I'd be back. Wait here.

Roger. So you're ok? Great. I won't thank you. I'd rather have died
than endanger this ship.

Look, could you just
go a little easier? Relax a bit. You owe me one. What's that? Gotcha. Enter ID number.

You're drinking? You're ok? I'm fine. You saw Kodai? By the message room. He's talking to his family now. His family? Who? Weren't you in Team Kodai? Yes, but he quit just after
I was assigned there.

Then I was posted,
so I'm not really one of them. I see. I only ever joined the force
because I admired Susumu Kodai... ...The "Cosmo Zero" ace.

So I guess I feel
kind of sold out. Don't tell him that Well, the reason he quit... Yes? A message to my family... When the Gamilas started bombing...

...We used to go up after them. The bombs were more fragile,
so we destroyed some... ...And knocked a few off course. I know.

It was famous. He was the ace,
and I wasn't too bad, either. So one day we diverted a bomb,
and saved the planet again. We were delighted.

But this time the story
had a different ending. I guess you're my family. So how've you been? Don't start crying, Mr. Kodai.
Youll mess me up, too.

What are you talking about? The bomb we diverted
crashed into space station 2. Oh, that... And to make things worse,
his parents were living there... ...And so was my pregnant wife.

They managed to save the child,
but he's never been able to talk. Kodai left the force right after that. Channel closed. The space battleship Yamato
heads for the large magellanic cloud...

...To the planet Iskandar... ...To obtain an anti-radiation device
said to exist there. All clear ahead. No gravity field.
Warp successful.

Bogey! It's a Gamilas fighter! One? Yes. It's shut down. It's not attacking. No? I'll bring it up.

Did it warp with us? Kodai... Bring it aboard. We'll analyze it. Roger.

Captain! Call sick bay! Take over! Captain! Well, Doctor? It's progressing. So how long
do you think I've got? Soon those won't suppress it
any more. Will I make it? It might be unmanned.
Where's the cockpit? I've never seen one this way. You've seen lots of them.

Always through a canopy. No signs of life. Is it a drone? Saito... Take a fuselage sample.
Be careful, quick, and accurate.

As the tech officer says... ..."Careful, Quick, and accurate". Fire! Right! Right! Left! Go Left! Fire! Fire! Mr. Sanada! Saito! Saito! Fight it! Get the doctor! Right! Hey! Crew of the Yamato...

The earth is... ...Ours. Who are you? Desla. Desla? You call us "Gamilas".

Is that crystal thing you? Yes, and No. We are both individuals,
and one being. As if we were Alpha and Omega. Alpha and Omega? Why are you attacking earth? Attacking? We are renovating it.

Saito? Saito! Don't shoot! That hurt! Sorry. But it takes that much power
to shut down your life functions. Thanks a heap! Level 2 on a pulse gun
could stop a bear! Then I guess level 2
was the right choice. It still hurt! But anyone other than you
would be in sick bay now.

And it brought you back. For that, I thank you. You owe me one. Ok...

What? And so...I will buy you a beer. Cheapskate! Kodai reporting. Come in. Excuse me.

Yes, Sir? Kodai... How do you like the ship? I've never served on a battleship,
so I can't compare... ...But she's a fine ship. What did you wish to discuss? Kodai...

...Would you take over
as Acting Captain? Sir? I'd hoped Mamoru Kodai
would succeed me as captain. My brother? You have it in you
just like he did. You belong in charge. Well? No, Thank you.

I couldn't do it. Not me. Not the way you do. No? That's too bad.

Excuse me. Kodai... There is no need to emulate me. Do it your way.

All right, in that case... ...I will put it in the form
of an order. This is the captain.
Attention all hands. Effective immediately, Susumu Kodai
is Acting Captain.

That is all. Dismissed. Scramble! Gamilas attack confirmed.
All personnel to battle stations. You're captain?
Where are you going? The hangar! When did it start? I don't know.

We noticed it
a few minutes ago. It's transmitting something. An SOS? No. Our location.
They're using that to attack.

Mr. Sanada, Take over here. Black Tigers, Scramble! Destroy that thing! There'll be more. Where are they? Third wave approaching! What? Shima, evade! Damage? We're hit around 3rd bridge.

Crew members trapped. Oxygen? They're ok for a while. Send a rescue squad.
Get me 3rd bridge. Yes, Sir! The elevator shaft's hit! Mr.

Kodai, it's Ando.
We're trapped! We have wounded.
Send medics! This is Acting Captain Kodai.
A rescue squad is on the way. We'll get you out of there. Hang in, Ando.
They'll be there soon. Yes, Sir.

Where are they? Bogeys at 3 o'clock. Shima, 90 degrees starboard. Charge wave-motion gun. Charging.

Raising scope. Target: large enemy gunship. On trajectory. Locking.

Range 60. Energy at 120 per cent. Ten seconds to wave gun. All hands brace for shock and flash.

Five... Four... Firing! Gunboat destroyed.
The enemy fleet is gone! Kodai! Impulse from below! Below?! Energy rising! It's going to explode! Clear 3rd bridge! We can't! We'll blow up! Passing limit! Kodai! Yuki, take out... ...The 3rd bridge.

That's an order! Fire! Roger. It was a stealth craft.
The radar didn't pick it up. I should have seen it. The six crew on that bridge...

...I let them die. I am not fit to act as captain. Then why come back? Why did you join up again? To find out
what manner of man you were. To find...

...What manner of man
let my brother die. I see. And... ...To see a green earth again.

Like it was when I was a boy. I wanted to bring that back. Tell me... ...As Acting Captain,
what should I have done? Kodai, the result isn't there
for us to brood over.

What we should do
doesn't lie in the past. It's here, right now. You use the people you have. In theory, perhaps,
but I'm not like you.

You can just let a situation
roll off your back. That's not true, Kodai. There was a time
when I was just like you. If you've never held command
you don't know the pressure.

Right? You're doing a fine job
as Acting Captain. Kodai... ...There's... ...Something I have to tell you.

Who is it? Kodai. Why are you here? To apologize. For what? That order. I'm sorry.

Why apologize? There's no need. You simply did what you had to
as Acting Captain. And an order is an order,
even if... ...It means...

...Shooting at... ...Your own people... I'm sorry. I'm sorry I lost it.

I didn't mean... That's fine. Don't say any more. Prepare to enter warp.

Iskandar! It's in sight! So that's... ... Iskandar... Missiles at 12 o'clock!
About 60! Range 500! They're coming from Iskandar! The gun's not charged! I know! Stations! They've split into four groups,
port, starboard, above, below.

All guns lock on targets! Ten seconds! All guns...Fire! Large missile! 10 Seconds to impact! Turrets 1 and 2, fire! It didn't explode! Damage report! Sir! The wave gun! What about it? The muzzle's been blocked! What?! Enemy fleet ahead! Fix that wave gun!
Ready all other guns! They'll wear us down. Missiles, second wave.
Impact in 30 seconds. There's too many to take out! Warp us out of here. Where to? Anywhere! It won't work! Incoming! Shima! Kodai! If there'd been anything here,
We'd have been obliterated! We would have been anyway! Where are we? Still near Iskandar.

Look! Is that the same planet
as before? Affirmative.
We're behind Iskandar now. It looks just like earth! It's Gamilas. What? This was a Gamilas missile. Have we come to Gamilas
instead of Iskandar? I'll bet this is a trap.

A trap? A Gamilas trap. Iskandar, the radiation device,
all lies. We've been had! Why would they do that? To lure us away. Maybe the radiation device
Was just a story.

There was nothing about it
in that capsule I analyzed. Only directions here
and plans for the wave-motion engine. Meaning? Someone might have made up
the radiation-device story. Why? Why would they do that? Why did we come here? Was the captain lying? Never! Captain Okita wouldn't do that.

I'll go ask him. No! This isn't the time. It's that bad? I'll go. Saito! He's the only one
who knows the truth, right? We need to ask him now! Our fate rides on it! Doesn't it, "Acting Captain"? We'll go down there.

The message gave coordinate points.
We might learn something there. Kodai! Are you crazy?! We walk into their arms? If this was a trap,
why would they attack us now? There must be a reason
they don't want us going down there. And anyway, there were directions
and an engine plan in that capsule. We have to go to those coordinates
and find out what this is all about.

The captain believed that message. And l... ...Believe in him. He would not lie
about his feelings for earth.

Mr. Sanada... Yuki... Saito! Shima...

Whose ship is this, anyway? The 8th of the coordinates
we were sent indicate... ...A point below the surface
of Iskandar/Gamilas, here. Our mission is to go there. Landing will be
the black tigers, the paratroopers...

...Tech officer Sanada,
and myself. Why you, Sir? Mr. Kodai will go first to knock out
their aerial defense system. Look.

This is the zone above
the landing point. An armed, floating defense system. We'll have to slip through it. Impossible! Not for the Cosmo Zero.

It predates the Gamilas attack,
and has stealth capacity. But Gamilas will detect
as soon as you use the engine. I'll be gliding in. The black tigers attack on my order.

You'll escort the troop carrier down.
Proceed with caution. They could be anywhere. Can one Cosmo zero take out
a whole defense system? Attention all personnel.
This is Acting Captain Kodai. Our landing...

...On Iskandar/Gamilas
is about to commence. This will probably be the last battle
in our long journey... ...Of 148,000 light-years. In April of 1945,
the battleship Yamato...

...Set sail to bring a ray of hope
into a time of utter despair. We do the same. The coordinates we were sent
may be a trap. We may only be playing
into the enemy's hands.

But as long as there is
one faint ray of light in the dark... ...As long as we have even a chance,
We must go forward. That is the destiny
of any ship named Yamato. And that is the mission
we have been assigned.

I ask you all to remember that. Let us win this fight! And transform a faint chance
into real hope! For those we have left on earth... No...For the families we love... ...Let us make earth green again! For this ship...

...And for Captain Okita. ...I ask you all to give
everything you have! We'll take the left wing. Mr. Kodai! Right! It's our turn at last! Work! Do it right! To Iskandar! You probably won't make it back.

That's all we need to get us going! See you there. I haven't been here for a while. Well, I'm counting on you. Roger.

What? Are you going to show off? Who are you to talk? Don't mess up, Ok? Launching CZ1. Launch Cosmo Zero! Mr. Kodai, what was all that about
with Ms Yuki? All I needed to get me going. 8,000 Meters to surface.

7,000... 6,000... 5,000... Not yet not yet not yet...

Go! Uh-oh... Shima! Come back alive. Right! Time to warp! You ok? We're all here! Mr. Kodai...I'll be top scorer today.

Whatever. You still mope. No, I don't! Furuya! They're above us! They're all around the carrier! Roger. Yamamoto...

Yamamoto! Enemy destroyed! There's three of us left
with the troop carrier. Roger. Arriving at coordinate point. It's beautiful...

The coordinate point is in there. All units land. Fire! Yuki, quick! Saito! Move out! Right! Damn it! There's hundreds of them! Analyzer! Stand-alone mode!
Cover us! Leave it to me. Hurry.

Cover me! Hey! Hey! Make it back to earth, Mr.... Analyzer! I'm sorry. Quick! I'll hold here! Kato! I probably won't hold it very long.
Hurry. Move it! Go! Quick! The coordinates point here.

This is Iskandar? Yuki... Hey... Yuki! We have awaited you. Yuki? Saito went the same way.

So the Iskandar story was true? That is the name one of you gave it. Yes...A man named Okita. What?! I knew it! Kodai... ...There's...

...Something I have to tell you. That story about
a radiation device on Iskandar... ... Isn't true.

What's going on?! We were sent coordinates,
and schematics. That's all. Why the story? Because of you. Me? You survived a high dosage
of radiation.

That has been kept secret. I took a gamble... ...That the sender of the capsule... ...Could eliminate radiation.

So with no guarantee of anything... ...We're going to Iskandar? That's right. But... ...We have hope and a chance.

You came on board this ship
hoping for something, right? And our chances aren't zero. You're here right now, alive. That in itself is a chance. We are a more evolved race...

...Sharing a single conscious mind. One manifestation
of this shared consciousness... ...You call "Gamilas". Another manifestation
you call "Iskandar".

Gamilas and Iskandar exist
as two sides of the same coin. Our planet is about to disintegrate. Iskandar accepts this,
and is resigned to vanishing with it. But Gamilas wishes
to eliminate all earthlings...

...And render your planet
fit for us to move to. Iskandar opposes this. Gamilas has separated from us,
and enclosed us in here. That small fragment of Iskandar
that remains in Gamilas...

...We secretly sent to earth. That capsule? And eliminating radiation?
That's what we came for. Have no fear. There is no such device...

...But I can fulfill its function... ...As you have experienced. Prove it. Show us
you can really do that.

We want to be sure! This area is clear of radiation. You can now breathe its air. It's ok. I will grant your wish.

My energy should be sufficient. Yuki! I'm fine. It's fine. Wait! Mr.

Sanada! From the energy,
I'd say that's the Gamilas source. We can stop the attacks. Bastards! Let's do it! Kodai... I'll take it out.

Cover me. You won't get close! Once we get across,
You two leave with the Yamato. You're crazy! Saito! Roger! Wait! I can't leave you. Acting Captain!
Stop being a jerk! Saito! That hurt, Damn it! The ship can't go without its captain.

But... Kodai! You're like a little brother to me. Don't look like that. Be a great captain.

Let's go! Fix the earth. I owe you this one. Right! Quick! Get going, you two! Let's go. Run! Right! Careful, quick, and accurate.
Come on, tech officer! I'm almost done.

Hold them off! Roger! That hurts, Damn it! Just a bit more. Be there for me! You bastards! Oh, no... It's all right.
My Cosmo Tiger will fly. Done! Saito! Saito! Let's go home.

So there was something
for the radiation? Yes. There really was... Yes. A future, and a chance...

...Bought with many lives. Proceed with caution, Kodai. Yes, Sir. Entering final warp.

Earth will be in visual range. You'd better go. Excuse me. All right...

...Now the duel with death. Doctor... ...Could I be alone for a while? Dr. Sado...

...Thank you. Where's earth? There. Where? That red planet. Yes.

That's earth! Yes! It's earth! We're back! Yamato? This is space battleship Yamato.
Acting Captain Kodai and 36 crew. We are now 420,000 kilometers
from earth. Did you find anything? Of course, commander. We have the anti-radiation device.

You do?! The anti-radiation device... There really was one? Yes, Sir! So Okita won his bet... Well done. Very well done! We will soon...

...Be arriving on earth. Until then... ... Hold out.

Earth, huh? Everyone's always glad... ...To get back. What's that?! Large Gamilas vessel at 7 o'clock.
We're taking fire! Battle stations! Roger! Damage report! Fire crew! They're coming! Port guns hit! The hull won't take this! Launchers blocked! Turret 2 hit! Engine malfunction! Tokugawa! How's that engine? Mechanical officer! Tokugawa! Output reduced... ...But we can still move.

Tokugawa? Tokugawa! Is that... ...A spaceship? So you thought you'd won,
crew of the Yamato? And what would be victory? Destroying us? Or returning earth
to its former state? Desla... Or is it "Gamilas"? The answer is both "Yes" and "No". Your attack destroyed most of us.

I am part
of the fragment that remains. We have given up
on making earth ours. Most of those who would have
moved there have been lost. So let us say on that point
the victory is yours.

But... ...We will not give you back
your earth. What do you mean? Earth is about to disappear. You have enraged us.

We are a race
that does not forget humiliation. Life signs negative. What's happening?! What's that?! A nuclear reaction.
A huge amount of energy! It's going to destroy earth! Damn him! Nanbu, leave that. We'll stop him.

We've got nothing left! The wave-motion gun.
Can't we use that yet?! The muzzle's blocked! It'll blow up. There'll be nothing left
of the Yamato! I'll go ask the Captain. The Captain? Oh, No... Think! Think, Kodai! Think! There must be a way! Think, Kodai! Think! Nanbu...

...Do we have energy for the gun? Enough for one shot. But like I said, if we fire it... Mr. Kodai? Abandon ship.

That is an order
From the Acting Captain. You're coming, right? Did you hear me? That's an order. Get going! Dr. Sado, Get the wounded.

Kodai, I'll stay too. Shima! I steer this ship. Listen, Shima... ...The carrier will be unstable.
I'll need you to fly it! Kodai! Only you...

...Can get Yuki down safely,
and she's the device! But... I am... ...Acting Captain. I go...

...With this ship. Kodai... ...Take control. Roger.

All hands abandon ship! Get going, Yuki.
I'll be right with you. I'm staying. Yuki! If you can bail out,
then so can l! Do what you're told! But you're lying! Life in a world without you... ...Won't mean anything! Yuki...

...I don't have any family left. But I met you here. I've wanted... ...To care for you...

...And show you earth... ... Reborn. That's what I've fought for.

So let me finish the fight. If we don't win it... ...Everything we've done
will be meaningless! If I should die... ...And earth comes back...

...I'll be alive... ...In every living thing there. And so... ...I'll be with you.

No! I don't want you to die! You can't die! Yuki! Thank you. Goodbye. Shima... Kodai...

Take her. All right. She's a fine ship. Don't waste her.

Evacuating Yamato
with 12 survivors. Make sure you get back to earth. Roger. Yamato will now attempt
to destroy the Gamilas missile.

Pray for me. Kodai! Mr. Kodai? Mr. Kodai! Mr.

Kodai... Mr. Kodai! Raising scope. Launching Yamato! Energy at 120 per cent.

Target: Gamilas missile. Ten seconds to wave gun. Five... Four...


Space Battleship Yamato trkce alt yaz izle

Japan's Yamato vs USS Iowa - Which Would Win Battleship Comparison

This video is sponsored by World of Warships. While much navy chatter these days is focused
on those huge floating islands we call supercarriers, the beast of the high seas for many years
was the battleship. If we go back in time and look at when ships
started carrying big guns, it was the British that ruled the waves, helping them to forge
an empire. In the mid-19th century, the Brits created
the HMS Victoria, at the time the largest and most deadly battleship ever built  and
made of wood.

Armed with 121 guns it was tough and also
the fastest ship of such size. The 1860 British ironclad, iron-hulled battleship,
the HMS Warrior, was also the first of its kind, which was launched in response to Frances
ironclad but wooden-hulled Gloire (glue-are). But today we are going to look at what some
consider the top two battleships ever built, in this episode of the Infographics Show,
Japan's Yamato vs USS Iowa. Before we get to the rest of our video, a
brief word about World of Warships.

Its a free to play, historical online combat
game. Its created by Wargaming, the makers of
World of Tanks, World of Warplanes, and Master of Orion. Weve been playing the game for the past
few days and weve been having tons of fun battling all kinds of different warships. Every warship is super detailed and you can
see why it takes the creators on average 6 months to create new ships in-game from scratch.

There are 4 classes of ships, a lot of upgrades,
and the environments are designed in such a way that it makes the game very strategic. World of Warships is a thinking mans action
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Try out the game if you are looking for the
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description will get 250 (du-bloons) `doubloons, 1,000,000 Credits, the HMS Campbeltown premium
ship, one port slot, and 3 days premium time. Now, lets get back to the main part of
our video. Plenty of lists have been compiled featuring
what people consider the best battleships throughout history.

In fact, the US Naval Institute polled its
savvy readers on what they considered to be the best fighting ships ever made. Readers could choose submarines and aircraft
carriers, but the battleships that were chosen were Britains 1906 HMS Dreadnaught and
the USS Constitution launched in 1797. This was actually a heavy frigate, and frigates
are smaller than destroyers and battleships. Just so you know, battleships and destroyers
differ in size and tactical roles, but both are warships.

Battleships are much larger than destroyers
and carry heavier artillery. Fast-moving destroyers might have been seen
in the past sailing in numbers around a battleship. These days you wont see that, as all modern
navies only have destroyers in use. Most pundits do say that the best battleships
ever built are the two we are featuring today, but other notable mentions are Germanys
Bismarck, Japans British-built Mikasa, and the HMS Victory.

Now lets have a look at our featured ships. The Yamato, built in the Yamato Province of
Japan, was at the time the largest battleship ever built. It launched on August 8th 1940 and was the
flagship that was there to ward off the threat of the American military. Some people say when she set off to protect
the island of Okinawa it was a suicide mission.

Even though this ship was said to be the greatest
warship ever made she did not live through getting hit by 19 American aerial torpedoes. She was sunk on April 7th 1945 and 2,498 crew
were killed. Its said that until that time Japan had
thought this monster to be invincible. The New York Times ran the headline, U.S.
Fliers Sink Japans Biggest Warship.

The USS Iowa, named of course after the state,
was also the lead ship for the Americans. Launched on August 27th 1942 she was hit but
never sunk. Her first hit was in 1944 when two Japanese
projectiles hit Turret 2 and 5, but the damage was not bad at all. In fact, just months later a typhoon caused
more damage.

She was decommissioned on 24 March 1949, but
was recommissioned and decommissioned a few times fighting throughout decades to come. Right now shes a museum piece and you can
see her at the Pacific Battleship Center at the Port of Los Angeles. Ok, so now lets have a look at the ships
themselves. As we said the Yamato was the biggest battleship
ever built.

It weighed 65,000 tons, had a length of 862.9
Ft (263 meters), a beam of 127.5 Ft (38.9 Meters) and a draft of 36 ft (11 meters). The beam is the ships width at the widest
point when measured at the ship's waterline. The draft is the distance from the waterline
to the bottom of the hull, which just means how much of the ship is in the water. It was built to have a crew of somewhere between
2,5002,800 people.

The USS Iowa was 45,000 tons. It had a length of 887 ft (270.43 Meters),
a beam of 108 ft (32.97 Meters), and a draft of 37 ft (11.33 Meters). It was built to take 1,921 crew. The Yamato was bigger but it was also slower
with a top speed of 31 mph (27 knots or 50 km/h).

It gained that speed from 12 Kampon boilers
powering 4-shaft geared steam turbines for 150,000shp while driving 4 x 3-bladed propellers. Its operational range was 6,210 nautical miles
(7,146 miles, 11,500 km). The USS Iowa had a top speed of 38 mph (33
knots or 61.1Kph). Its engine was powered by 8 Water-tube boilers
with 4 General Electric geared steam turbines giving 212,000 horsepower to 4 Shafts.

Its operational range was 12,948 nautical
miles (14,900 miles, 23,979 km). So, as we can see, the U.S. Ship has some
advantages here. As for firepower, both ships were incredible.

Before it was sunk in 1945, the Yamato had:
9 x 18.1" Main guns, 6 x 6.1" Guns, 24 x 5" guns, 162 x 25mm anti-aircraft cannons and
4 x 13.2Mm anti-aircraft machine guns. The ship carried 7 Nakajima E8Ns or Nakajima
E4Ns and had two catapults for launching. In case it got hit, the belt armor on the
ship was 16 inches thick (410 mm). The 1943 version of the USS Iowa had: 9 x
16" Mark 7 main guns, 20 x 5" Mark 12 guns, 80 x 40mm anti-aircraft cannons and 49 x 20mm
anti-aircraft cannons.

It carried 3 Vought Kingfisher floatplane
aircraft and had two catapults. In case it got hit it, had belt armor 12.1
Inches thick (307 mm). If you cant make much sense of that, lets
see what the experts think if these two ships hypothetically went head-to-head. Fortunately some people have spent some time
doing just that.

The criteria for the match-up was speed and
maneuverability, guns, armor, fire control and underwater protection. First of all, analysts state that the Japanese
ships guns could fire farther than the American ships could. So, thats one tick for the Yamato, although
its also said that the American shells were slightly more destructive. Both ships armor could be penetrated by
those shells, but the experts say that at speed, getting a clean hit is sometimes just
a matter of luck  in those days anyway.

The analysts state that the Yamato did indeed
have better armor, but the American ship had armor in more vital places. One analysts conclusion was, Yamato
was simply built to stand up to and utterly outclass any conceivable American or British
opponent by sheer weight of gunfire and elephant-like armor. So, thats another tick for the Yamato. The same analyst gave the Iowa the advantage
when it comes to underwater protection, saying here the Yamato was vulnerable as it had poor
seams between her upper and lower armor belts.

Apparently the Yamato had poor radar too while
the U.S. Ship had the best radar in the world. The Iowa was also faster and better able to
get out of the line of fire, so thats two ticks for the Iowa. He gives the overall advantage to the USS
Iowa, although he does add, While both ships enjoyed certain advantages over each
other, those advantages are so slender that luck would probably play as decisive role
as firepower and armor.

We must also state that two ships slugging
it out like this would likely not ever have happened, and we couldnt even reconstruct
it as the Yamato is at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean making peace with Poseidon. In fact, the only battleship slugfest that
did ever happen was the battle of the Denmark Strait when Germanys Bismarck and the cruiser
Prinz Eugen had a mean scrap with the British Prince of Wales and the battlecruiser HMS
Hood. The Germans won. So, which ship do you think would win in a
hypothetical matchup? The Yamato or the USS Iowa? Let us know in the comments! Also, be sure to check out our other video
called FBI vs CIA! Thanks for watching, and, as always, dont
forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!.

Japan's Yamato vs USS Iowa - Which Would Win Battleship Comparison

Interview with GODZILLA

So..It was bound to happen at some point. Japan being Japan finally went and did it.. And built a giant Godzilla statue in the middle of Tokyo. The statue stands 100 feet high and...

Ok... ..Maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration! THIS little fella just stands here guarding the
TOHO Hibiya building. But!... If you're a Godzilla fan coming to Tokyo and were hoping for something more....

..Impressive Don't let this disappoint you because! [Godzilla Roar] This giant Godzilla peers down at the puny humans below from the TOHO building in Shinjuku. It's part of the Hotel Gracery which actually features some Godzilla themed rooms. If you're lucky enough to stay in any of these rooms... ..Here you'll have the pleasure of seeing Godzilla peering at you through your window throughout the day.

Every hour, Godzilla sounds his iconic roar.. And at night passers-by are treated to a light show. Hello Mr Godzilla sir.
How are you today? [ROAR!] I'm a big fan of your work. Thank you for all your movies! [ROAR] What are your thoughts on the
American Godzilla movies? [ROAR] Yes, yes.

I totally agree. Mr Godzilla, thank you for talking with me! [ROAR] SO down-to-earth. What a legend!.

Interview with GODZILLA

How I Make My Videos

Hi, everyone! Um...Before I start, I just want to thank everyone for subscribing and watching my videos. Especially those of you who take the time to share them and leave comments. I do read every single comment and try to reply as much as I can. BUT there are two questions that I get asked all the time and they are: "How do you make your videos?" And "What software do you use?" So, I guess I should answer them.

Um... Okay, well... Right now, I'm using an ordinary desktop webcam. Um...

Logitech, I think. Not sure, um... Which one it is, though. Logitech something or other, I don't know.

Um, a separate microphone. [Tap, Tap] Just a cheap one from Tesco. Hello, hello! Um, if I'm vlogging outside, I just use my camera or my mobile phone. And software, I just use Sony Vegas Pro.

But um... ANY editing software would give the same results. So uh...Yeah! That's it. Um...

Hope that was helpful..

How I Make My Videos

Cheap Halloween

Why So Serious!?? ..Because i don't even want to go to
this Halloween party i've been roped into. I'm certainly not going to spend
any money on a costume. Makeup will have to do. But this...

Everyone goes as `Joker'.. ..I'll try something else. Nah, that's ridiculous. "I see you!" No...

Cheesy. Hmm... Too subtle. Too subtle? Too subtle.

AMI SMASH!!! Ami look like bogey..

Cheap Halloween

ARMADA - Battleship YAMATO

Yamato, a super battleship. A real sea monster with the height of a 17-story building. 72,000 Tons of steel. 500 Km of welded joints enough to wrap them around Japan and decorate it all with a bow.

Building Yamato was like forging the ultimate sword while everyone else was making machine guns. Why? This is a tragic story. The real-life Yamato never met a worthy opponent among other surface warships. Instead, she was met by almost four hundred aircraft that tore her apart in two hours.

She was at the top of the battleship evolutionary tree, but she reached this peak too late. By the time she did, aircraft carriers and submarines had changed naval warfare. The power of Yamato became legendary. But in World of Warships, this legend lives.

Just look at this giant. How can this sea monster ever be sunk? Her side armor thickness is up to 410 mm. The main turrets are protected with armor plates more than half a meter thick. And look at those gorgeous lines! Yamato just slices through the waves.

And that shape was not a whim of the Japanese designers poetic souls. Her high bow and low aft ensure the best seaworthiness, and the rise at the center is necessary for more convenient arrangement of ammunition and structures. The slight sag between the center and the bow saves weight without any loss of durability. That hull makes Yamato the most durable warship in the game.

It will require an entire squadron to deal with this battleship. She can withstand a torpedo salvo and keep firing from all guns. When she fights alone, the battle will become something like a scene from a Godzilla movie. When youre at the wheel of this ship, the most difficult thing about this monster is to wake it up.

Just imagine: it devours 62 tons of fuel per hour. That works out to 130 tons of fuel per 100 km. Stopping this leviathan is as hard as accelerating or turning. The inertia of thousands of tons propels the ship forward.

You have to plan all your maneuvers in advance, and dont even try to hurry. But theres no need to hurry. The Emperor doesnt pay attention to the annoyance of small destroyers and cruisers. The turrets traverse slowly and the reload takes a long time.

While the shells are flying, you can sit back and sip your tea. But when the shells reach their target What? How can it be? Yamato should have torn it apart! Remember, Yamato was gigantic for a reason. She was built to carry guns of the largest caliber in the history of naval artillery460 mm. A shell of this caliber weighs as much as a car.

In fact, this battleship could lob a shell out to 42 km: literally beyond the horizon. A spotter aircraft would be needed to direct and adjust the fire. There are no maps of such large size in the game, otherwise it would be the end of the battle before you even got an enemy warship in your gunsights. In World of Warships, Yamatos maximum firing range is 26 km.

If you try to hit a destroyer at that distance, it will be able to sail a few circles around the base waiting for your salvo. However, destroyers can survive for a different reason. An armor-piercing shell hit, but it just flew in one side and out the other. If the enemy warship had been more massive and durable, the shell would have stuck inside and caused severe damage to its compartments.

But here it only caused a hole through the hull and a controllable amount of flooding. So, when you fire at small targets, load HE shells. But should you waste such great power to destroy minor ships and aircraft? Of course, Yamato can do the job. She carries about one hundred AA guns as well as 155-mm secondary guns.

All those weapons work quite well while youre focused on aiming your main batteries. So whats the best way to use those monstrous guns? There are two ways. The first is daring, and the other is convenient. Lets talk about the convenient way.

Think where the main action will take place and dont go there. Turn your side to aim all three main battery turrets in that direction, and support your team with mighty shots of 15 tons of steel per salvo. Your shells can fly so far, enemy warships just wont be able to reach you with theirs. The rest is a matter of your skill at leading your targets.

And heres the daring way. Choose a flank and lead your team forward, protecting them with your armor. You must always be wide awake and plan out the maneuvers it will take to pass between islands, trying not to expose yourself to enemy torpedoes. Aim your main guns at the enemy flagship, while your allies keep enemy destroyers and aircraft away from you.

Yamato is good in both roles. The path to her is a green wave. With every successive Tier, Japanese battleships become bigger and bigger. And there are no hidden pitfalls.

What could be a better reward for those who reach the top than firing the guns of the largest caliber in the world from the deck of the legendary battleship?.

ARMADA - Battleship YAMATO

[World of Warships] Naval Legends Yamato

They were designed to be the best they met enemies face to face, endured tragedies and enjoyed victories they went down in history due to the bravery of their crews they are the ships that deserve to be called Naval Legends! In this episode, watch Yamato Life and Death of the Legendary Battleship. By spring 1945, it became clear that only a miracle
could save Japan from defeat in World War II. The Land of the Rising Sun had lost
virtually all its naval and air forces, and US troops were already landing on the Japanese islands. On the morning of April 6, Japan's legendary
battleship Yamato sailed off to fight her last battle.

The last bit of hope the Japanese possessed rested with this steel giant - the largest
and most powerful battleship of the time. That naval operation in the Pacific,
dubbed Ten-ichi-go (Heaven One), was a dangerous mission.
But the faith in Yamato was almost religious, and the Japanese believed luck would
go hand in hand with the ship. The history of battleship Yamato
began 10 years before the ship's legendary last mission. In October 1935, Japanese engineers put together
a first draft of the famous naval giant.

Unlike the Americans, whose ships were limited
to a size that could pass through the Panama Canal nothing restricted the Japanese from
building ships of a large size and displacement and arming them as heavily as possible. Japanese designers set out to make battleships powerful
enough to outmatch all existing foreign counterparts and any ships that would be built in the upcoming years. The production facilities behind me were the Kure
Naval Arsenal in those days. Its dockyard saw the birth of battleship Yamato .

Her keel was laid in 1937, and the ship was completed 1941. Yamato  was the heaviest battleship in the world. Back then,
the total construction expenses amounted to 130 million yen. That would be over 1 trillion yen
($8 billion) in todays prices.

Initially Japan planned to build
a total of four Yamato-class  ships. However, the Pacific War began,
and after completing the second ship, Musashi, Japan stopped building the third ship, Shinano, and never started the fourth one. Eventually, Shinano was converted to an aircraft carrier. Yamato is the ancient name for Japan,
meaning "great harmony." Strict secrecy was maintained throughout her construction:
a high fence of mats surrounded the dockyard, all engineers swore a solemn oath of non-disclosure, and the workers going in and out were compared
with their photos.

Japanese shipbuilders certainly had something big to hide... Total displacement: 72,808 t Length: 863 ft Beam: 128 ft Draft: 35 ft Armament
Main battery Three turrets each having three 40-SK Mod. 94 Guns Caliber: 18 in Secondary battery Two turrets each having three Type 3 guns
Caliber: 6 in Anti-aircraft artillery Twelve coaxial Type 89 guns
Caliber: 5 inch Fifty triple-barrel and two single-barrel
Type 96 automatic cannons. Caliber: 0.98 In Air group
7 seaplanes (reconnaissance planes and spotting aircraft).

Main belt: 1116 in Main turrets: 726 in Conning tower: 1220 in Power plant 4 Kampon turbines and 12 Kampon RO boilers Power: 154,000 shp Maximum speed: over 27 knots Operational range: 7,200 nautical miles at 16 knots Yamato's key features are her main turrets,
each having three 18-inch guns. The guns could fire shells weighing almost 1.5 Tons
with a muzzle speed of 2,600 feet per second. A gun turret, including the barbette, weighed 3,000 tons.
It could contain over 150 men. Yamato's main turrets were guided by a fire control system,
consisting of a director that provided parameters of fire, range-finders, and electromechanical calculators
(a form of early computers).

It was a state-of-the-art system for the time: lack of fire control radars for engaging surface targets
was compensated for by top-notch grouping of salvoes. This gave the Japanese firing capability
on par with that of the world's leading navies. The ship's secondary battery consisted of two turrets,
each having three 6-inch guns. The guns featured excellent ballistic characteristics
and could penetrate the armor of a typical cruiser; however, their rate of fire was pretty low.

When commissioned, Yamato had six coaxial
5-inch anti-aircraft guns for long-range engagement, plus short-range anti-aircraft artillery
consisted of eight triple-barrel 0.98-Inch cannons. The number of AA guns was
constantly built up during the war. The 5-inch anti-aircraft guns
and the 0.98-Inch guns had different ranges of fire. So if an enemy aircraft flew into this gap,
neither of the guns was able to effectively intercept it.

Furthermore, the 5-inch guns had relatively low traverse
speed and poor elevation and depression characteristics, while the 0.98-Inch guns failed to fire at the declared rate
of 14 rounds per minute if the elevation was high or low. Yamato enjoyed the heaviest armor
in shipbuilding history - its US analog, battleship Iowa had armor that was on average 4 inches thinner. The armor belt of the Japanese giant formed a citadel
that covered slightly over half of her waterline length. The most protected part was the ship's conning tower The weapon systems became literally giant.

210815SUCHABIGSHIP. The Japanese built a superbattleship
that was like 10 or 15 others put together. But the problem was that it did not pay off. You can build one Yamato-class battleship, but she would still be destroyed
when facing 2, 3, or 10 US battleships.

There are still such characteristics as mobility,
quantity, quality, salvoes per side... Yamato  was commissioned in late 1941. In her first mission, the Battle of Midway, Yamato served
as the flagship of the Japanese Combined Fleet. During the battle, on June 4 through 6, 1942, Yamato did not fire a single shot
and was used only as an HQ ship.

The Japanese military command was definitely
saving their two best battleships for an upcoming major battle against the US fleet. As a result, Japanese seamen
started to feel disappointed with their flagship. They even made up a saying that the world's three
most useless things were China's Great Wall, the Egyptian pyramids,
and battleship Yamato . It was not until autumn 1944
that the Japanese naval giant fought its first real battle.

Together with her sister ship Musashi, Yamato attacked
US landing craft near the island of Leyte. In that battle, Yamato was only slightly damaged, demonstrated her power, and recovered the status
of an unsinkable giant. However, the situation in the Pacific theater
had changed by that time... Progress in military technology basically
follows the laws of philosophy.

When making a new weapon system, designers
and the military usually seek to enhance its specifications: bigger caliber, thicker armor, etc. Then they come to a dead end,
where they are no longer developing the navy, but improving a separate weapon type
within the existing limits. A radical change is carrier-borne aviation and,
later, missile systems. Yamato is the peak,
the peak in the construction of battleships.

It is not about progress, it is about reaching the peak. In 1945, World War II reached Japan's home islands. The command of the Japanese Combined Fleet
made a Bushido-style decision: Yamato, with the help of a light cruiser
and eight destroyers, was to defend the island of Okinawa
and prevent the US troops from getting any further inland, or fight to the end and finish her journey gloriously. Executing this order, on April 6, 1945, the legendary Japanese battleship
sailed off to fight her last battle....

The United States sent its Task Force 58
to intercept the flagship of the Japanese Combined Fleet. The Americans would not miss the chance
to destroy the symbol of Japan's naval power. As early as at 10 a.M., The first US squadrons took off
from five heavy and four light aircraft carriers, located about 300 miles away from Yamato. A total of 227 aircraft took part
in the destruction of the Japanese force.

The battle began at 12:34. Four aerial bombs hit Yamato, taking out a 5-inch gun and several automatic cannons. In just 20 minutes, two more bombs struck the battleship,
and a torpedo hit her port side. In response, Yamato  fired her anti-aircraft weapons.

At 14:02, the Americans launched the last attack
on the wounded, but still combat capable, Yamato It was a demonstrative execution: four torpedoes
(three to the port side and one to the starboard side) destroyed the ship's damage control center. Yamato stopped moving and started listing
to port more and more every minute and when this huge ship capsized,
a monstrous explosion erupted. The pride and hope of the Japanese fleet went under. Together with the ship, 3,000 crew members were lost, including the commanders of the Japanese force and the ship.

For the Japanese, Yamato still remains a symbol of the nation's might
that fell in battle like a true samurai. The city where the legendary battleship was built
opened a museum, whose centerpiece is an 85-foot model of Yamato . The Kure Municipal Museum of Naval History
and Science was built 10 years ago to preserve the rich naval tradition of the city. Now it is known as the Yamato Museum.

The exhibits reflect the naval history of Kure; in other words, the history
of naval affairs and technologies. The museum has become quite popular. Fans of battleships come here from all over the country. However, we should remember that it was originally dedicated
to all kinds of shipbuilding.

The violent explosion that finished the
destruction of Yamato was caused by the detonation of her main battery magazines. However, there is plenty of debate about
the reason for that tremendous explosion. The answer is probably hidden on the bottom of the ocean: so far researchers have been unable
to lift what is left from the giant battleship... It is true that Yamato  had a number of drawbacks.

Like her sister ship, Musashi,
the battleship was sunk as a result of air strikes. The key reason for that was the ships' fundamental lack
of ability to resist massive air attacks. Yamato remains the largest and
most powerful battleship in history. For every person who takes interest
in the history of military ships, Yamato embodies military might.

Born to terrify and crush enemies, this formidable steel giant managed to glorify
her name even as she was defeated. She represented a pinnacle in large battleship design,
one that will probably never be surpassed, and in that sense, Yamato will always remain a symbol and a legend..

[World of Warships] Naval Legends Yamato